Here you will find answers to our most frequently asked question. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, please contact our dedicated customer service team.

Canada & USA: 1.800.663.1166
Worldwide: 1.604.276.4551

  • Are your artist paid royalties on the work you sell?

    Yes, all artist are paid a royalty on every image we sell.

  • What brands do you carry?

    In addition to the Indigenous Collection featured on this site we also publish and distribute Canadian Art Prints and Winn Devon. Our images are sold around the world from our Richmond, BC head office.  For more information on CAP and Winn Devon please go to our website at www.capandwinndevon.com.

  • Who do you sell to?

    We sell to the business trade only. If you are from the trade and wish to set up an account to purchase our products, contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-663-1166, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. pacific standard time. If you are not a reseller, we invite you to enjoy exploring our images on this website. If would like to purchase any of our artwork, contact us and we will connect you with a retailer in your area.

  • How can I place an Order

    The easiest way to place an order is to create an account on our website and use our online order form.

  • How do I order catalogs?

    To order any of our catalogs, use our catalog oder form by clicking here. If you’re an existing customer you may also prefer to contact your customer service representative directly by calling:

    Canada & USA: 1.800.663.1166
    Worldwide: 1.604.276.4551

  • How long does it take to receive an order?

    Delivery times vary significantly depend on the product purchased and the shipping method you choose. Our customers typically receive their order (on average) within a week if it is shipped inside the continental US or Canada for inventoried product and within 2-3 weeks for products we make to order. Your customer service representative will be able to give you a closer estimate once they receive your order.

  • What are my shipping options?

    Within the USA, your shipping options are: Ground, 3-day air, 2-day air, or Overnight.

    Within Canada, your shipping options are: Ground, or overnight  (air).

  • Is it possible to have my order shipped to an alternate address?

    Absolutely! We’re happy to ship your purchase to an alternate address as long as the order meets our $50.00 wholesale minimum order requirement.

  • What types of payment do you accept?

    Payment Options: We accept MasterCard, Visa, Checks, and “Net 30” for qualified customers.

  • How Do I Register Or Login On Your Website?

    To take advantage of all the features available on this website, you will first need to create an account using the new account sign up form. Your new account will be created within 24 hours.

    Create Account Now.




    Recall – PLT008 Maxine Noel Plate Set, PLT010 Dawn Oman Plate Set, PLT015 William Monague Plate Set